Einstein said, "that if you can't explain it simply then you don't know it well it enough". We've been teaching service design, design thinking and branding since 2009 and so far, believe it or not, have never gotten negative feedback.

Training and education
Sometimes you don't need the fish. You need to learn to make a net and get out there yourself to catch the big idea.
Since 2009 we've been developing tools and methods for doing service design. Service design was a new thing and the best way to explain it was to teach. Fast forward to today and we have a comprehensive toolkit of methods and formats, that allow us to teach service design, design thinking and branding to groups as diverse as management teams or university classes.
We've co-created the content to the most successful development program of Enterprise Estonia, the Design Masterclass. Together with the University of Tallinn, Maastricht University and the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga we created SD4X (service design for executives), a professional course for senior leaders. We've lectured and taught at SSR Riga, KTH in Stockholm, HyperIsland, Berghs School of Communication, Estonian Business School, TalTech and a plethora of conferences across the world.
If you feel that your team, conference or program could benefit from a module or full course of service design, design thinking, branding and innovation processes, then you're in the right place. The button to push is right below!
What we do:
1-day training and workshops
Multiple day capacity building training programmes
Innovation programmes with company teams
Masterclass public courses
Interested in discovering more?
Contact us, and we can discuss further.