Sometimes it's good to talk. To get a different perspective, look at a problem from a different point-of-view and get broader insight to root causes.

Mentoring and consultation
Diversity drives innovation. Mono-culture kills it. To get out of a rut or start something new it pays to look at the problem with fresh eyes.
We have worked with industries as varied as healthcare, brewing, retail, manufacturing, hospitality, finance, tourism, e-government, education, you name it. However, while the industry specifics may be very different, the end users are still people.
Service design and design thinking focuses on the user experience and how that is developed and delivered. This let's us put ourselves in your customer's or user's shoes and see their experience of your business to give insight and advice.
If you're stuck or feel the need for a second opinion, don't hesitate. It is by far cheaper to talk and explore different options in a conversation than building the wrong solution to the wrong problem.
What we do:
Regular feedback sessions
Challenge specific mentoring
Ad-hoc ball-planking / second opinion sessions
Curious to know more?
Get in touch and let's have a chat.